A salaamu aleikum, In your "Islamic Entertainment" section, you have a video in which we see crying faces of Muslim children. Could you please share 1)the reason for their tears if there is a general one and 2) an English translation of the song lyrics?
I apologize for this very late reply. Hope you are reading this. As for the video, every time I watch it, I can't do it without crying. The video was from an Islamic motivation camp program. The kids were told by the motivator to realize the sacrifices of their parents and the wrongs they might have done to them in their lives...as we all do intentionally or otherwise. As for the nasheed, the song echoes asking for parents' forgiveness, asking Allah to forgive the parents, to love them as they have loved us, to bless them. We can't never repay for all the kindness they've done for us. Also asking the parents to pray for our safety in this life and in the hereafter...email me for the lyrics in English at fajrlib@yahoo.com
A salaamu aleikum,
In your "Islamic Entertainment" section, you have a video in which we see crying faces of Muslim children. Could you please share 1)the reason for their tears if there is a general one and 2) an English translation of the song lyrics?
Thank you
Sister KadidiaTerri
wa salaamu aleikum
Assalamualaikum dear Sister,
I apologize for this very late reply. Hope you are reading this. As for the video, every time I watch it, I can't do it without crying.
The video was from an Islamic motivation camp program. The kids were told by the motivator to realize the sacrifices of their parents and the wrongs they might have done to them in their lives...as we all do intentionally or otherwise.
As for the nasheed, the song echoes asking for parents' forgiveness, asking Allah to forgive the parents, to love them as they have loved us, to bless them. We can't never repay for all the kindness they've done for us. Also asking the parents to pray for our safety in this life and in the hereafter...email me for the lyrics in English at fajrlib@yahoo.com
Your Sis in Islam
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